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The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Personal Brand At Work

personal brand Jun 07, 2023

We get a job, go to work every day, complete what’s required of us and get recognition and reward, right?

For a long time, I believed this. I was young and they were the first years of my full-time working life. It wasn’t until I received some not-so-great feedback about my contribution attitudinally that I began to realise the importance of personal brand and not just showing up to do the role. Many years down the path of employment and I see many showing up to work but not really showing up. My hope is, this guide will deepen the understanding of and empower each reader to begin developing and leveraging their personal brand in the workplace.

Personal brands are no accident and are often defined by public perception.

Let’s see how you perceive the example below.

The first worker, let’s call her Employee Tick, is proactively demonstrating a positive personal brand by delivering value, building relationships, and having impact. She is ticking the boxes of self-awareness and proactivity.

Below her, Employee Cross is denying any positive development of her personal brand through reluctance to get involved in the key areas that can effectively shape your professional brand. 

This doesn’t mean that you can’t have days where you don’t ‘feel it’. You are allowed to feel low, down, unenthused, or less than productive at times (we all do!). In fact, there is no such thing as giving 100% all the time. It’s impossible! I believe that if you aim for 85-90% at your peak and fluctuate from between 60 and 90% you will be a cut above. Remembering that an employee with a good personal brand can attract opportunities far greater than one with poor personal brand despite lack of experience, skill or education. Which will make the effort you put in, worth it. 


The Top Ten Ways To Build Your Personal Brand At Work

1. Define your brand

Start by clearly defining what you want your personal brand to represent (see my free training on how to do this here - The Authentic You: Personal Brand Builder). Consider your values, strengths, and expertise. Identify what sets you apart from others and what you want to be known for in your professional sphere. Even jot yourself down a Personal Brand Statement to act as your compass.

2. Showcase your expertise

Cultivate and demonstrate your expertise in your field. Seek opportunities to showcase your knowledge and skills through presentations, workshops, or by volunteering for challenging projects. Share your insights and ideas with colleagues and superiors. Presenting things like trends that are happening in your area or new technologies, even circulating articles with your commentary are great ways to do this.

3. Be a proactive learner

Stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments. Continuously expand your knowledge and skill set through workshops, conferences, webinars, and relevant courses. Being a proactive learner shows your commitment to growth and improvement. Your inbox should be paid a regular visit by an industry publication or newsletter – make sure to subscribe now!

 4. Network strategically

Network both within your organization and outside of it. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and engage with colleagues from different departments. Building a diverse network allows you to connect with influential individuals and gain visibility. You can also do this from the comfort of your couch through Facebook or LinkedIn. Join groups, comment on posts, share articles and be seen in online spaces where your current and future peers and colleagues hang out. 

 5. Be a reliable collaborator

Develop a reputation for being a reliable team player. Offer assistance to colleagues, collaborate effectively, and deliver high-quality work. Building strong relationships and a reputation for dependability will boost your personal brand. My top tip to build trust quickly - when someone asks you to do something, do it straight away. Then do it once more, straight away. This shows enthusiasm and reliability and quickly builds a rapport.

 6. Establish an online presence

Leverage digital platforms to establish your online presence. Yes, you can do this whilst being employed even if your role or company don’t require it of you. Create a professional LinkedIn profile and keep it updated with your accomplishments, skills, and expertise. Share industry insights and engage in discussions on relevant social media platforms. I also recommend producing your own unique content that showcases your skills, education, or original perspective. Ensure it's relevant and professional and it's sure to be noticed!

7. Seek feedback and act on it

Request feedback from colleagues, supervisors, and mentors to gain valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Actively work on incorporating feedback to enhance your skills and refine your personal brand. This is something you should do regularly and with an open mind. Feedback, delivered neutrally can inspire improved performance and should be received with the intention to use both negative and positive feedback for your own good.

8. Demonstrate leadership qualities

Show leadership potential by taking on initiatives, displaying a proactive attitude, and inspiring others. Seek opportunities to lead projects or teams, and develop your ability to communicate effectively and motivate others.

9. Be consistent and authentic

Build a personal brand that is consistent with your values and authentic to who you are. Avoid projecting a false image or trying to be someone you're not. People appreciate genuineness, and authenticity helps build trust. To help you do this I have developed a workbook called The Authentic You: Personal Brand Builder. It will take you through 4 steps to quickly and effectively understand your authentic beauty and how to activate it in the workplace.

10. Promote your achievements modestly

While it's essential to promote your accomplishments, do so in a humble and modest manner. Share your successes with your team, acknowledge the contributions of others, and celebrate collective achievements. The opposite of humility is arrogance and whilst a touch of ego is a powerful tool it must be tempered with a good dose of humility in order to stay grounded and respected.


Seems like a lot of work, doesn’t it?

Yep! Not going to sugar coat it.

It is work.

Additional work.

Extra effort.

BUT it is worth it.


Harvard Business Review predicts in 2023 and beyond, business will turn ‘quiet quitting’ on its' head by ‘quiet hiring’. The trend is characterized by workplaces mobilising internal talent and deploying them to areas that require additional attention, in return offering bonuses, compensations and rewards.

When your manager comes looking to ‘quiet hire’ someone on the team would you rather be the person with the leveraged personal brand of the one without?

Be patient, stay dedicated, and consistently demonstrate your expertise, reliability, and leadership qualities and you are sure to establish a strong personal brand at work.


Reasons Why You Need To Invest In Your Personal Brand At Work

If the potential to be singled out for additional work or projects in the quiet hiring trend isn’t enough, try these.

Professional reputation

Your personal brand represents your professional reputation and how others perceive you. It's the image and impression you leave on colleagues, superiors, and clients. A strong personal brand can differentiate you from others, helping you stand out (and get quite hired!) and be recognized for your unique skills and qualities. It is also something that can be created for you through perception if you don’t take charge.

Career advancement

Building a strong personal brand can open doors to new opportunities and career advancement. When your reputation precedes you, you are more likely to be considered for promotions, challenging projects, and leadership roles. It enhances your visibility and increases your chances of being recommended for career growth. This is relevant to every workplace, from the takeaway drive through to the top story corporate office!

Networking and connections

A strong personal brand helps you build and expand your professional network. When people know who you are and what you bring to the table, they are more likely to connect with you, collaborate with you, and recommend you to others. Networking is crucial for career development, and a strong personal brand facilitates meaningful connections. It can also be fun!

Increased trust and credibility

A well-established personal brand can enhance your credibility and the trust others have in you. When you consistently deliver high-quality work, demonstrate expertise, and act with integrity, people are more likely to trust your abilities and rely on you. This trust can lead to more significant responsibilities and influential roles within your organization. Remember that “Without trust, we don't truly collaborate; we merely coordinate or, at best, cooperate” – Stephen Covey.

Enhanced visibility and influence

Building a personal brand increases your visibility within your organization and industry. As you establish yourself as an expert in your field, people will seek your opinion and expertise. This visibility allows you to have a more significant impact on decision-making, influence others positively, and become a go-to person for relevant matters. In those moments of being the trusted advisor you deserve to quietly celebrate as you will know you efforts are recognised (cue the internal applause!).

Job security and marketability

In today's competitive job market, a strong personal brand can provide you with a sense of job security. When you have a well-known reputation for your skills and expertise, you become more marketable both within your organization and externally. This can help safeguard your position during organizational changes or make you a desirable candidate for new opportunities. Put your best foot forward, as my mum always says!

Personal and professional development

Working on your personal brand requires self-reflection, continuous learning, and self-improvement. I would also suggest it requires a level of maturity and tenacity. It encourages you to identify your strengths, areas for growth, and align your actions with your professional goals. As you work on your personal brand, you develop valuable skills, expand your knowledge, and become a better professional overall. It is all good stuff, with great outcomes.


Your personal brand is not just about self-promotion (keep the ego in check!) but about consistently delivering value, building relationships, and making a positive impact in your workplace. By actively working on your personal brand, you can shape your professional identity and create opportunities for growth and success….and I think you’ll probably have some fun along the way!

For more on building your personal brand be sure to check these out...

👉🏻Your question answered! Should I have a Personal Brand or a Business Brand?

👉🏻Why you absolutely need to give your side hustle your authentic brand!

👉🏻What are the MUST HAVEs to create a powerful Personal Brand

👉🏻What is personal branding and why it's so important to be authentic in 2023

Pick my brain about building your Personal Brand with a Free 15 Minute Clarity Call- book a time to suit you here 👉🏻 LETS TALK