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Entrepreneur or can be both! And why I'm choosing to be.  

business Jun 02, 2023

I was that kid who dreamed of owning a business with absolutely no idea what it would be, what I would sell, what I would own, where I would operate…hello, pipe dream! Fast forward a few years and mountains of employee pay slips later I found myself eager to launch something and be someone.

A smart entrepreneur might embark on this journey by asking themselves:

“Which small business is best?”

“What small business has the highest profit margin”.

“What small business can I buy?”

Not me!

I asked my heart what my core values are, what my strengths are and how I might serve the world with both. Building my life coaching and personal brand business has been my passion project, it’s a love job and also a playground that I adore getting lost in. I take it very seriously however I know that if I put too much pressure on myself to scale and over deliver too quickly that my passions may become overshadowed and I DO NOT WANT THAT! Not yet.

So, my decision is to work part time, consult, and pick up short term contracts here and there; suits me right now. The one boundary I hold is the work must inspire or add value to my Personal Brand business.

It's not easy, but what is about building a business from scratch! If you are considering starting a business or already have a side hustle I want to help you make an informed decision on how to take flight in which ever layered approach you prefer.


Entrepreneur and Employee.

Or Employee. 

Entrepreneur and Employee.

There are several reasons why you might choose to work casually, part-time or full-time while building your own business

➡️Financial Stability:
Starting a new business can be financially challenging, especially in the initial stages. Working part-time allows you to have a steady income to cover your living expenses and support yourself while you work on building your business.

➡️Reduced Risk:
Building a business involves taking risks, and it may take time before your business starts generating consistent revenue. By working, you can minimize financial risks and have a safety net to fall back on if your business takes longer to become profitable than anticipated.

➡️Learning Opportunity:
Employment can offer valuable learning experiences. You may gain new skills, knowledge, and insights from your job that can be applied to your business. It can also provide an opportunity to network and connect with potential customers or partners.

➡️Validation and Market Research:
While working, you can use the opportunity to validate your business idea and conduct market research. You can test your product or service with potential customers, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments before fully committing your time and resources to your business.

➡️Transition Period:
Sometimes, transitioning from a full-time job to full-time entrepreneurship can be daunting. Working part-time provides a smoother transition, allowing you to gradually scale up your business while still maintaining a steady income.


Truth be told...

Entrepreneur + Employee = LOTS GOING ON.


Unless you take a long-term approach to building a fully fledged business whilst working, the crunch can be real.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your personal circumstances, financial situation, and the nature of your business. It can be a strategic choice that provides stability, flexibility, and valuable experiences as you pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.

It can also cause emotional responses. Ones that may shock unless prepared for them. 

It's possible to feel frustrated or impatient when you have to divide your time and energy between a job and your entrepreneurial pursuits. You may yearn to dedicate all your time and effort to your business but feel limited by the hours you can commit due to your job.

On the other hand, working in a job can also serve as a source of motivation. Knowing that you have limited time to work on your business can fuel your determination and drive you to make the most of the hours you do have. It can push you to be more efficient, focused, and productive in pursuing your dreams.

Despite the challenges, many people find excitement and fulfillment in working on their own business, even if it's on a part-time basis. The prospect of building something of your own and pursuing your passion can generate a sense of enthusiasm and energy that outweighs the difficulties of balancing work and entrepreneurship.

Working while building your business can also bring about feelings of anxiety. The uncertainty of entrepreneurship, combined with the pressure of managing finances and the need to succeed, can create a sense of worry and stress. It's important to manage these emotions and find ways to cope with the demands of both your job and your business.

Despite the challenges, working can provide a sense of satisfaction. You may take pride in your ability to juggle multiple responsibilities and make progress on your entrepreneurial journey, even if it's gradual. Celebrating small victories along the way can boost your morale and reinforce your belief in the value of your dreams.

It's important to acknowledge and process the emotions that arise from working while pursuing your entrepreneurial goals. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network, practicing self-care, setting realistic expectations, and staying focused on your long-term vision can help you navigate the emotional rollercoaster of balancing work and your dreams.

Dealing with the extra emotions can be daunting, overwhelming and may certainly hold you back. Before throwing your business baby out with the bath water, consider this.

Entrepreneurship may be the greatest move you ever make as long as you prepare and plan for it. Go through each of the following before playing your cards. 

➡️Passion and Purpose:
Think through your passions, interests, and long-term goals. Are you driven by the idea of creating something new and having full control over your work? Or do you find fulfillment in being part of a team and contributing to someone else's vision? Understanding your true passions and purpose can help guide your decision.

➡️Risk Tolerance: Entrepreneurship often involves taking risks. Evaluate your risk tolerance and ability to handle uncertainty. Starting a business can come with financial risks, instability, and the need to overcome various challenges. On the other hand, being an employee provides a more stable income and a sense of security.

➡️Autonomy and Control:
Entrepreneurship allows you to have complete control over your work, decision-making, and direction of your business. If autonomy is important to you and you enjoy being in charge, entrepreneurship might be a good fit. However, as an employee, you may have less control over certain aspects of your work, but you also have the benefit of stability and support from an organization.

➡️Skills and Experience:
Assess your skills, strengths, and areas of expertise. Determine if you have the necessary entrepreneurial skills, such as creativity, leadership, adaptability, and a willingness to learn. Consider if you have the experience or if you're willing to acquire the knowledge needed to run a successful business. Alternatively, you might prefer to focus on developing specific skills within a specific role as an employee.

➡️Financial Considerations:
Evaluate your financial situation and goals. Starting a business typically involves an initial investment and may take time before it becomes profitable. Consider your financial stability, willingness to take on financial risks, and the potential earning potential of each path. Assess whether you're comfortable with potentially fluctuating income as an entrepreneur or if the stability of a regular paycheck as an employee is more appealing.

➡️Lifestyle and Work-Life Balance:
Consider the lifestyle you desire. Being an entrepreneur often requires long hours, dedication, and significant effort. It may impact your work-life balance, especially in the early stages. Conversely, being an employee might offer a more structured schedule and a better-defined work-life balance.

➡️Support System:
Consider the support system available to you. Entrepreneurship can be challenging, and having a network of mentors, advisors, or fellow entrepreneurs can be valuable. Evaluate if you have access to resources, guidance, and support that can help you navigate the entrepreneurial journey.


Remember, there's no right or wrong answer.

Some people may find fulfillment and success as entrepreneurs, while others thrive as employees. It can also be possible to transition from one to the other at different stages of your career. Take the time to reflect on your personal goals, values, and aspirations to make an informed decision that aligns with your vision for the future.

For me, I will continue to blend a good mix of aligned employed work with Personal Brand and Life Coaching course, products and sessions.

To finish, I would also add that you never know what opportunities are around the corner if you are choosing to work whilst business building. You may meet a potential client, investor or mentor to work with in your business. The key is to stay open, stay informed and stay true to what is right for you. 

For further reading on building a Personal Brand business:

👉🏻Your question answered! Should I have a Personal Brand or a Business Brand?

👉🏻Why you absolutely need to give your side hustle your authentic brand!

👉🏻What are the MUST HAVEs to create a powerful Personal Brand

👉🏻What is personal branding and why it's so important to be authentic in 2023

Pick my brain about building your business and your Personal Brand with a Free 15 Minute Clarity Call- book a time to suit you here 👉🏻 LETS TALK