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What to do when you feel lost in life? My magic breakthrough method you can do in under 5 minutes!

purpose Apr 26, 2023





You are NOT alone! I’ve been there, your friends have been there, celebrities have been there, community leaders have been there…and it’s a destination that has a road out.


You just need the compass.


In this article I will give you the compass, the directions, the map and the headlamp so you can hike your way out of the valley of lost and start thriving in life, love, relationships and careers.

Before we get there, let’s look back at the path that leads to feeling lost. A path that is peppered with reasons as to why a person may feel lost in life:



Like duh! Seems obvious that if you are unclear about your goals or lack direction in their life, you may feel lost. Often times you might think you have direction and purpose but still feel lost and this is because the track you’re heading down is not your TRUE purpose, your soul aligned purpose and therefore still detours you back to Lost Valley.


Major life changes, such as the end of a relationship, loss of a job, or moving to a new city, can leave you feeling lost and uncertain (and sad, depressed, forlorn, angry, and so many other ouchy emotions that compact that lost feeling).


If your current situation is not fulfilling, you may feel lost or like you are lacking purpose. It may also cause you to begin searching for something that does fill your cup which could be a GREAT thing or a really bad thing if it includes elements that are not so good for you (hello to topping up the wine glass).


People may feel lost when they start to question the meaning of life, their purpose in it, or what they want to achieve in their lifetime. To this I cheer, Yes, Yes, YES! This curiosity is like putting one hiking boot on ready to don the other and head off on your soul mission but that’s another article (read here).  


Societal pressure to conform to certain norms or expectations can BE OH SO HARD to navigate and leave you feeling lost, like you don't fit in or aren't living up to expectations. This could be from family, cultural traditions, or even from your friends and community.


Certain mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, can make a person feel lost or unsure about their place in the world. If you believe you are suffering from a mental health condition please seek professional help.


Whatever detour or detours you’ve taken to get you to little lost town, it's important to note that feeling lost is a normal part of the human experience, we’ve all had a lay over there at one point and whilst I told you I would provide a compass and way out, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. I do have my magic breakthrough method to share with you at the end of this, so stick with me.


Such is the highway of life. With pitstops at quarter and mid life crisis.


If travelling along year after year is like motoring down the highway you may also find that you’ve made a pit stop at either a “quarter life crisis” or a “mid life crisis”. And guess what? They both serve up Lost Lattes too!

The term QUARTER LIFE CRISIS is used to describe a period of uncertainty and questioning that some people experience in their twenties and thirties. If you’ve been there, you may resonate with one of more of the reasons people can feel lost during this time:



Many people experience significant life changes in their twenties, such as finishing studies, entering the workforce, or moving out of their parents' home. As great as these rites of passage are (hello freedom!), these changes can be overwhelming and could have left you feeling uncertain about your identity and purpose.


Social media and other forms of media can create pressure to achieve certain milestones, such as getting a good job, buying a house, or starting a family (like how many engagement announcements or gender reveals can one person take!). If you’ve ever felt like you are falling behind your peers, it can contribute to feelings of insecurity and lostness.


Many people in their twenties and thirties are still figuring out what they want to do with their lives (who wasn’t at that age!). Without a clear sense of direction, you may feel lost or klike you are wasting their time, especially if you are using your time to eat, sleep, drink, repeat.


As you begin to mature, you may start to question the meaning of life and your place in the world. These questions can be overwhelming and leave you feeling lost and uncertain. But again, I believe they are great questions to ask yourself.

A MID LIFE CRISIS is a period of introspection and questioning that some people experience in their 40s or 50s. If this is you or you’ve witnessed a loved one go through it, here are some reasons why “I feel lost” surfaces:



You may feel like you have achieved everything you wanted in life and yet still feel unfulfilled. You may have the RV in the driveway, Malibu stickers on the travel case, and have gone graciously grey but you may also be questioning the meaning and purpose of your life and feel like you haven't accomplished all that you wanted to.


Midlife is a time when people may experience significant life changes, such as their children leaving home, divorce, retirement, or the death of a loved one. These changes can leave you feeling lost and uncertain about the future. I certainly recall my empty nesters feeling this way for a time.


As people age, they may experience physical changes that can be difficult to accept. Changes in appearance, energy levels, or health may contribute to feelings of lostness and uncertainty and even a deep desire to turn back to the clock.


As you reflect on your life choices, you may start to regret things you didn't do or opportunities you missed. You may have wanted to take up surfing but never did or travel to that faraway land but got side tracked. This can contribute to feelings of lostness and a sense that it's too late to make changes or live out your deepest desires.


Midlife is also a time when people may start to question their mortality and the meaning of life. These questions can be overwhelming and contribute to feelings of lostness and uncertainty.

Let’s get on the road.


So we’ve taken the detour, been through the pit stop and landed at lost valley but it’s not the end of the road. There is a way out that is unique to you which could involve seeking help from a coach, professional or supporter.

Life coaching can be a helpful tool for individuals who are feeling lost in life and seeking guidance and support. There are several ways in which a coach may allow you space to map your way.



A coach may work with you to set specific goals for your personal and professional life. This can help you create a clear vision of what you want to achieve and establish a roadmap for how to get there.


A coach may help you identify your core values and beliefs, which can provide a foundation for making decisions and finding direction in life.


A coach may encourage you to engage in self-reflection to gain clarity about your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest. This can help you identify areas for personal and professional growth.


A coach can help you stay accountable for your goals by providing support and encouragement, and helping you stay focused on your priorities.


This follows on from goal setting and will help you create a plan for taking action towards your goals. This can involve breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, and developing strategies for overcoming obstacles and challenges.


A coach may help you identify and shift limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential.


A coach may help you develop new skills or enhance existing ones, which can increase your confidence and help you pursue new opportunities.


Remember that life coaching is a collaborative process, and the specific methods used may vary depending on your unique needs and goals. The goal of coaching is to help you find direction and purpose in life, and to support you in achieving your full potential.

As a coach I suggest starting with a look at who you are authentically and building your personal brand as this will get to your core and broaden your horizons to the places you can get to from being stuck in Lost.


How can building your personal brand help you from feeling lost in life?

Building your personal brand can help you gain clarity and direction in your life by providing a sense of purpose and identity. Here are some ways that building your personal brand can help you stop feeling lost in life:



What can you flex? When you build your personal brand, you focus on what makes you unique and valuable. This can help you identify your strengths and develop a sense of confidence and purpose in your abilities.


Your personal brand should align with your core values and beliefs. This can help you identify what is truly important to you, what makes your heart sing and why you are drawn to certain paths. It can also provide a sense of direction in your personal and professional life.


Building your personal brand requires a clear vision of what you want to achieve (yes another map, but this one DOES NOT include destinations lost, stuck or WhatamIdoingwithmylife!). By setting specific goals and developing a plan for achieving them it will give you a sense of direction and purpose.


When you build your personal brand, you create a community of people who share your interests and values. This can provide a sense of connection and belonging, which can help you like you are in the drivers seat of a bus going to great places!


Building your personal brand often involves developing new skills and expertise in your area of interest. Studying, learning, listening and upskilling can help you build your confidence and also be something you can monetise.


When you build your personal brand, you increase your visibility and reputation within your industry or community (Again, in person and online). This can help you build a strong network of contacts and opportunities, which can provide a sense of direction and purpose in your career and personal life.


AUTHENTIC PERSONAL BRAND building is heart centred process that can take you from feeling lost, stuck, without purpose, doubting yourself, questioning your future to

Knowing and EMBODYING your values

Stepping out with CERTAINTY about your future

Believing in yourself and your UNIQUE abilities

Leaving a legacy of YOU, your personality, your gifts

Permission to be who you are, go for your dreams and live fulfilled an on purpose


My MAGIC BREAKTHROUGH FORMULA to get you out of LOST laneway QUICK is this.

Download it in under 5 minutes and get started on creating your authentic personal brand!