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From page to stage: highlights of the time I spent with Gabby Bernstein

purpose spirituality May 03, 2023

“Don't dance around the perimeter of the person you want to be. Dive deeply and fully into it”. – Gabby Bernstein.


For the past month I have been up to my eyeballs in Gabby Bernstein books and marinating my ear drums with her podcast, meditations, audiobooks and teachings. I even sat with a thousand others in one of her live events. All with the aim to dive deeply into the person I want to be.

As a #1 New York Times bestselling author, host of the Dear Gabby podcast and internationally recognised motivational speaker, Gabby Bernstein’s message is driven by her personal journey to spiritual enlightenment. A recovering drug addict, her path to living a life on purpose began one day on her kitchen floor. She’d hit rock bottom and in that moment of despair clearly heard a voice say that if she got sober, she would go on to impact the world.

Profound as it may seem, the voice was not wrong! Her influence has certainly reached the sunny Australian shores where I sit with my laptop to review of one of her titles Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabby Bernstein and her Brisbane live event.

After downloading Super Attractor to my Audible I pressed play with the eagerness of a kid on Christmas. Yes, I love books! I love self help! And I love anything the feeds my soul. Just like the pressies under the tree, this one did not disappoint.

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabby Bernstein explores the concept of manifesting and attracting our wildest desires, complete with practical methods and intimate life stories. The running theme is 'as long as we believe, we can attract anything we want', in fact it can be our superpower.

As any hero with a power, we first must learn to control it. Gabby recommends a first step called "Choose Again" which works by encouraging us to become aware of thoughts and, if they are not in alignment with the outcome we desire, we should choose another thought. It is crucial to shift our thoughts and beliefs to align ourselves with what we want to attract. Bernstein writes, "When we focus on what we want instead of what we don't want, we feel better. When we feel better, we are more attractive to what we want." (Chapter 2).

I love an easy to implement tool that feels accessible to the biggest sceptic, or the converted Universe lover and Gabby offers some of the best. Aside from thought manipulation, the practice of journaling coupled with meditation is an action Bernstein recommends that brings us closer to our true selves and our goals. It helps to transform fear to faith and acts as direct link to our spiritual guides.

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams  eBook : Bernstein, Gabrielle: Kindle Store

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabby Bernstein

Recently I’ve been working on the concept of surrendering to the Universe and its gone both very well and not well at all! As a control freak addicted to the ‘how’ of an outcome, the advice to surrender can slide right off on my bull head. Seems Gabby and I have this in common! During her efforts to conceive she struggled to give up controlling the process. After years of obsessing and failing, she turned to her spiritual practices of meditation, asking for signs and embodying an unwavering faith in the universe (when, BINGO, baby appeared). Bernstein writes, "Surrender is the act of releasing your attachment to the outcome. It's freeing because it takes the pressure off you to make everything happen. Surrender puts you in the flow of the universe." (Chapter 10). She also suggests that in our fast-paced world we create desires in an instant and hold expectation they be delivered with the same speed, however we need to surrender our dreams and allow the Universe time to do its work and meet us where we're at. “Our job is to feel good and let the universe do the heavy lifting." says Gabby. 

As I devoured the final minutes of Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabby Bernstein, I dropped into myself for a vibe check and was amazed at high my vibration was. It felt like a cloak I had put on around chapter 4 and was now felt snug and comforting. The cloak was made of positivity, empowered thought, an open line to the spiritual world and was also the same one I decided to wear as I took my seat at the Brisbane City Hall for Gabby Bernstein Live: Manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Gabby’s final stop on her Australian Tour included a 3 hour show complete with Q&A and live workshops with audience members. Sitting with my bestie and a largely female crowd I was overwhelmed that there are so many spirit junkies, all seeking deeper understanding of the world and themselves. All who cheered, whistled, clapped and sighed with emotion as the event rolled on.  

The interactive nature of the night meant not only did we learn about Gabby’s past traumas, her ongoing recovery, and her deepest hearts desires but we also heard stories of failed pregnancies, the passing of loved ones, the struggles of business building and more from several audience members choosing to share. The space felt safe enough to go there. “My ability to be this vulnerable is my true strength” Bernstein offered one lady.

Each time a new face took the microphone Gabby focused her attention on them with the poise and grace of someone that truly cares. As a coach I love a question that allows the respondent the opportunity to turn inward and experience an 'aha' moment. Gabby showed she is a master at this. Also skilled at delivering hard truths, telling one person “Stop waiting to be picked” and another “If you want what they have, do what they do”.  

From authentic sharing’s to authentic advice the evening was profound in its lessons. Some of my highlights included:

  • Be brutally honest with yourself and the thoughts you are having. Each of your thoughts is an opportunity for you to consider it and what it says about you. They’re also an invitation to remodel your mindset to one that the universe rewards. Bernstein said, “The Universe is always a yes for what you’re putting out”. She went on to say choose thoughts that serve your desires and then do something about making those desires happen, just don’t put too much expectation on the outcome. 
  • Fear will hold you back. Recognise your fears and combat them by leaning into your spiritual practices. They will reassure you. “I’m not afraid, I was born to do this”, Bernstein's response to her own doubts. 
  • 20 mins of journaling and 20 minutes of meditation are the simplest, most successful methods to access your spirit. They've worked for Gabby and look at the successes she's created. 
  • When you know who you are; when you are tapped in to your truth, you don’t need an outline. Grabbing her event run sheet and tossing it on the stage floor Gabby brought home the point that she trusts herself, she trusts the Universe and with trust magic happens.

The Gabby Bernstein Aussie tour is now complete and she's heading back to the US however there is plenty more Bernstein to enjoy with the release of her latest book Happy Days, her highly rated podcast Dear Gabby and the free resources available on her website ( 

Final thoughts…

I have been on a journey of self-discovery, mindset mastery and authentic expression for some years, studying with some of the decades finest and can proudly say that I am adept at choosing thoughts in alignment with my desires. But as I mentioned in the opening, I am on a deep dive into the person I want to be and that involves daily reminders of the power of our thoughts. Listening to SA and attending Gabby’s show immerse me in a world that excites, inspires and serves me. A spiritual world where the Universe and I work together to cocreate. Just like any relationship you have, you need to nurture it, put work into it and keep the connection alive every day. Reading books, listening to podcasts, getting into like minded communities are all ways that I foster my bond.


Unlike me, you may have recently started dating the Universe and are just getting to know each other with awkward first date chit chat or third date overshares. Not exactly a dating manual but complete with easy to implement tools and steps to harness the power of the Universe, Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabby Bernstein is a must.  So what Gabby manual will I devour next? I’m heading to the Audible store for her memoir Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles by Gabby Bernstein and after that I will move to Happy Days: A Guide to Self-Love, Healing and Creating the Life You Truly Deserve by Gabby Bernstein. Gabby said it was her most important book, so let’s see! 

Before I go, one more Gabby quote to live by…

 "Your presence is your power." – Gabby Bernstein



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