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Happiness will cost you but it's not the investment you think!

coaching journaling limiting beliefs May 11, 2023

If you think happiness is only for the popular, rich or smart, you are thinking all wrong!

In fact that way of thinking comes from lack and that only attracts more lack in your life.

Happiness is a state of mind born of gratitude, reframe negative bias and choosing to be happy.

So put your wallets away people, bin your envy of cashed up neighbours and invest in your mind. It will pay dividends! Check out some of the ways you can invest in your mind below: 

🧠 Learn how your mind works by getting to know the power of Neuro Linguistics Programming - Neuro Linguistics Programming: A definition and ultimate guide to how NLP works.

🧠 Life coaches are trained to help you better under yourself and your mindset - What is a Life Coach?

🧠 Our minds can limit us, yep, sneaky things! How to stop them is explained here - What are limiting beliefs? The ultimate guide to self-limiting, beliefs and what the *@#$ to do about them!

 🧠 Train your brain with a journaling practice. Why journaling is good for you?

Simply can't get enough?? My FREE trainings library is your go-to:

🧠 Potent Journal Prompts - Transform your mindset and live with more purpose, more clarity and more joy.

🧠 Instantly Defeat Your Limiting Beliefs - Time to get to the core of the beliefs that limit you and proclaim war. 

🧠 The Authentic You - Personal Brand Builder - Find out with this deep dive into your values, the roles you play, and what makes you unique

🧠 Get Paid Your True Worth in 5 Life Changing Steps - Don't feel overworked and underpaid for a second longer!