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What is a Life Coach?

coaching Mar 17, 2023

Great question! Life coaching is more and more prevalent these days with the coaching and self-development industry expected to reach 67.02 billion by 2030. This means as a client seeking a coach you are spoilt for choice!  That’s whys its important to know exactly what a coach does and how to find a good one!

A life coach is a professional who helps you identify and achieve your personal and professional goals. Life coaches work with you to clarify your values, beliefs, and desires, and to develop strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve your best life. We provide guidance, support, and accountability to create positive changes in your life. A life coach can work with you in various areas of your lives, such as relationships, career, health, personal growth, and spirituality, depending on the area you most want to uplevel. Life coaching is different from therapy, as it focuses on creating goals and action plans for the future, rather than addressing past issues.

One question I often hear is "Why do I need a life coach when I can just fix my issues myself?".

Let’s say you play tennis, when you want to improve your gam you hire a coach, right? And that coach observes your serve, your play, your body and your mindset and then objectively works with you from a place of expertise to lift your game, right?

Hiring a life coach is much the same. They will observe the areas of your life through conversation and from a place of expertise (which could range from certifications in Neuro Linguistics Psychology, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Positive Psychology) guides you to lift your game in life and excel and achieve your hearts desires.

The other clarifications I should make are:

  • Life coach or psychologist
  • Live coach versus therapist
  • Life coach or counsellor

Life coaches are focused on future goals and use questions that help you to delve deep and come up with your own answers and hold you accountable to the goals that you set for yourself. This is different from counselling or what a psychologist offers. If you have past traumas, current trauma or mental health issues you should seek the help of a mental health professional or counsellor. These are not areas that life coaches are trained to help you through.

As you can see life coaching is a real job. Whilst the life coaching industry is not regulated to date, the role and the more reputable life coaches have studied, have applied relevant industry experience are being hired and paid to offer a role that is valued by millions of people across the world.


Lets explore how hiring a life coach can truly benefit you

Hiring a life coach can be beneficial for a sooo many great reasons people! Here are just some of why you might consider making a life coach part of your team:

  1. Clarify your goals: A life coach can help you identify your values, beliefs, and desires, and clarify your goals in various areas of your life. This can help you focus your efforts and create a roadmap to achieve your greatest life dreams.
  2. Develop strategies to overcome obstacles: A life coach can help you identify and overcome the obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals. They can help you develop strategies to address limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and other barriers that are holding you back. Expect many Aha moments!
  3. Accountability: A life coach can help you stay accountable to yourself and your goals. They can provide support and encouragement, and help you stay on track and motivated. There’s no yelling or cracking of whips but definitely some expectation to move toward your goals each session.
  4. Gain perspective: A life coach can offer a fresh perspective on your life and your goals. They can help you see things from a different angle and offer new insights and ideas.
  5. Build confidence: A life coach can help you build confidence in yourself and your abilities. They can help you recognize your strengths and develop new skills to help you achieve your goals.

Truth bomb  moment…all you really need to know is that a life coach main purpose it to create positive changes in your life! It’s that simple.

What should you expect in a life coach session?

Life coaching sessions can vary depending on the coach and the specific needs of the client, but generally, you can expect the following in a life coach session:

  •  A safe and supportive environment: A life coach session should provide a safe and supportive space where you can discuss your goals, concerns, and challenges without fear of judgment.
  •  Goal setting: At the beginning of the session, you and your coach will discuss your goals and priorities. The coach will help you clarify your goals and create an action plan to achieve them.
  •  Active listening: The coach will listen actively to what you have to say, asking questions and offering feedback to help you gain clarity and insight into your challenges and goals.
  •  Brainstorming: The coach may ask you to brainstorm ideas or solutions to help you overcome obstacles or achieve your goals.
  •  Accountability: The coach will help you stay accountable to your goals by setting deadlines, tracking progress, and checking in with you regularly.
  •  Motivation and support: The coach will provide motivation and support throughout the coaching process, offering encouragement and positive feedback to help you stay focused and motivated.
  •  Action planning: At the end of the session, you and your coach will create an action plan for the next steps in achieving your goals.

 These sessions can take place in person or online and are a collaborative and empowering process that helps you clarify your goals, overcome obstacles, and…(you should know this by now!)…achieve positive change in your life!

No one likes a Spanish Inquisition however the superpower of every life coach is in asking questions. Below are some that you can expect which maybe asked with the individual coaches particularly flavour or vernacular  but whatever way its asked, the outcome is still the same.

  1. What do you want to achieve in your life/career/relationships/health/spirituality/business/career?
  2. What are your values, beliefs, and desires?
  3. What is holding you back from achieving your goals?
  4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  5. What are your priorities?
  6. What resources (skills, knowledge, support) do you have to help you achieve your goals?
  7. What actions can you take to move towards your goals?
  8. How will you measure your progress?
  9. What motivates you to achieve your goals?
  10. What is your timeline for achieving your goals?

These questions are just examples, and as I mentioned your life coach will tailor their approach and questions to meet your specific needs and goals. The purpose of these questions is to help you gain clarity, develop strategies, and stay accountable to your goals.

So you’ve read this far, which I'm taking as you are keen and eager to explore life coaching further. Which I can certainly help with. First there just one additional topic we should discuss because I know most clients think about this straight up…

Are life coaches worth it?

Just like anything you prioritise as important in your life, from the make of car you wish to own to the brand of makeup you apply, life coaches are an investment in that which you feel you benefit from paying for. Some questions to ask yourself when assessing if you are ready to invest in a life coach?

🤔 Do you have goals you want to achieve but have struggled to get started on?

🤔 Do you find yourself irritable, frustrated or fed up with aspects of your life?

🤔 Do you know your purpose?

🤔 Do you have a strong vision for your life?

🤔 Do you have clarity on the direction of your life?

🤔 Would it be harmful or helpful to work with a life coach and achieve your goals?

 Ready to hire a life coach? Be sure to do your research and ensure that you resonate with them, their style and their approach

Find out more about me and my coaching and if you would like to set a time to have a chat to see if I'm the right coach for you reach out to me here