THE AUTHENTIC YOU - Personal Brand Building incuding STEP by STEP workbook


When you know who you are, you can do ANYTHING, just like these clients:

I am the business

As a sole operator I am the business. Using the brand builder I know my true self and used it in my business. Now I truly love what I do. 

My career exploded

Having the confidence in what I stand for, I used it to get promoted at work and now have an aligned and satisfying career. And that feels amazing!

I had more to give

Studying my core values helped me be a better mother, a better friend, give more to my community and have so much love for myself!

These are for you if...

💛 You desire direction and purpose.
💛 You are ready to implement your personal vision.
💛 You want step into your strengths and personal power.
💛 You are ready to live by your values.
💛 You want the confidence to ask for more money at work.
💛 You have a dream role you want to land.
💛 You have a business idea but don't know where to start.
💛 You want to unlock your passions.
💛 You want an action plan to live your best life.

The Authentic You - Personal Brand Building



  • Learn who you truly are.
  • Identify your core values.
  • Discover the roles you play.
  • Create a powerful personal vision.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Understand what makes you unique.
  • Formulate an aligned action plan.
  • AND learn how to live your best life!

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THE AUTHENTIC YOU - Personal Brand Building incuding STEP by STEP workbook